Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Helicopter model-stitching simulation, part 1 (and last for now)

I've been working on a helicopter simulator as a university interim project for some time. I'm actually doing only an implementation - the concept has been defined by Eric Tobias and Mark Tischler in their paper (and it seems like they also have handled the implementation themselves, but since they're working for the military, you can't download the software).
Left: Top level simulation architecture from Tobias/Tischler paper, right: my final top level simulation architecture in Simulink.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

About me

I have always loved reading blogs by independent artists, scientists and engineers posting their own projects and wanted to make one, but never really had skills to start. Now that I'm about to finish my first degree, I've got a feeling like I'm going to have enough free time and knowledge to work on something interesting and document it in read-worthy way.